Self care is crucial to our mental health
Self care tends to be a luxury for many mothers when it should be a necessity. Whether you’re a stay at home mom or a working mom – finding the time to go read a book or grab dinner with your girlfriends isn’t the easiest.
My favorite quote is “You can’t pour from an empty cup”.
This quote truly relates to motherhood. We give our all to our children day after day. Eventually, we get burnt out. What do you have left to give your children if there’s nothing left in the tank?
To take care of your family, you need to take care of yourself.
We hear it all the time. We know how important it is. But yet, we still don’t do it.
I’m lucky to have a husband who would gladly spend time with our son while I go get dinner with the girls. But I rarely ever do it.
Why? Because I feel guilty. I feel like I should be spending time with my son instead. The week is so busy with work, making dinner, bath time and house chores. I don’t have much time to play with him after all that. Of course, I do try to make the time but sometimes it doesn’t always happen.
Usually, when I do get a moment to breathe, that mom guilt comes swooping in. But I have to remember that if I don’t take the time for myself, I can’t be the mom my son deserves.
Did you know, Only 32% of women practice self care. That’s an insanely low number. We have got to give ourselves more of a break. We DESERVE a break!
So why is self care so important?
According to SNHU, “Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy, and more.”
I definitely agree with this statement. I feel less grouchy and annoyed when I actually take the time for myself.
I’m not gonna tell you that you should have a whole day to yourself every week for self care. Because, let’s be real – that’ll never happen.
But I do really think every mom should try to get one hour a week for self care. Maybe once a month or every other month plan something for yourself for a few hours or a day.
What counts as self care?
Well that depends on you! It could be a hobby or just something you love. I love doing my own nails. Dip, gel, press on or glue ons. That’s my weekly self care. Sometimes it doesn’t go as planned and I’m doing my nails and playing toys at the same time. But you have to at least try!
Self Care Ideas
Read a book
Watch your favorite tv show/movie
Grab a coffee
Go out to eat
Go for a walk
Get your nails done
Start a new hobby
Just remember, your children need a happy mom not a perfect one. You have to focus on yourself once in a while or you’ll become burnt out and your mental health will decline.
Go enjoy some quality alone time ❤️