Working from home is the best thing to come out of 2020.
I began working from home in March of 2020. I was fortunate enough to go back to the office for only one month after my maternity leave. The pandemic had just started and my company decided we’d be working from home until further notice.
My son was only 5 months at the time. The thought of working from home with a baby was scary but also sounded amazing.
My position at the time required being on the phone a lot. I was extremely nervous about customers hearing my baby in the background.
No one really knew what to expect since this was the beginning of the pandemic. Many companies and customers in all industries were very understanding considering most people were working from home. So, that relieved some of my stress.
The thought of earning an income and not missing moments with my son sounded like a dream!
And honestly, that’s exactly what it was (for the most part). Some days were incredibly hard and I wanted to put my head through the wall. But most* days it really wasn’t bad.
Since my son was so young at the time, it’s really all he knew. Thankfully a few months into working from home, I switched to a different position which basically required 0 phone time.
That’s when everything got a million times better. To be honest, working from home and having a job that requires being on the phone really doesn’t work well when you have small children.
My son would basically nap and breastfeed all day. So pretty easy, right?
Until he began crawling and then walking. He’d get into all kinds of things in the house. Then working from home with a child got a tad bit harder.
I didn’t really have a home office set up because no one knew when we’d be going back to the office.
This actually worked in my favor though. I could just bring my laptop where ever we needed to go. I could bring it in his room while he did tummy time and played on the floor. Or I could bring it in the kitchen while I fed him. Eventually we just stayed in the living room so he could play with all his toys and watch tv.
My mother did end up watching him one or two days a week to give me a break which helped tremendously. I also felt he really needed someone to give him undivided attention. Of course, I was paying attention to him, but I couldn’t always play with him when he wanted me to.
In the past 2 1/2 years working from home with my son, I’ve learned a few tips along the way.
How to work from home with littles
1. Don’t set your expectations too high
Some days are going to be tough. You might not be able to get all your work done at the time you thought you would. Or maybe your baby is just cranky and needs extra loving.
2. Take full advantage of nap time
I would HUSSLE when my son napped. I’d try to knock out as much work as I could in those 2-4 hour naps. I’d also make all my phone calls when he was napping.
3. TV or screen time
I know some of you may disagree with this. But honestly, you gotta do what you gotta do. My son is a huge fan of playing outside so he has a good balance between screen time and getting outdoors.
4. Snacks
Again, some may disagree. But I let my son eat snacks all day. For the most part, he’ll still eat his meals unless he’s in a picky stage. Fruit snacks are great for meetings! 😉
5. Use your breaks to fully focus on your child
I had two 15 minute breaks at the first company I was with working from home. I used those breaks to play with my son. We’d read books or do a little puzzle. It really is important to give your child your undivided attention at some point during the workday.
6. Have good communication with your supervisor
There were a few times my son was freaking out and I’d ask to take my lunch earlier. Or I’d ask to rearrange my schedule. Great communication is key to working from home with small children.
7. Independent age-appropriate play
For young babies: you could have them do tummy time, lay on an activity mat or put them in a walker or jumper
Toddlers: color, play with toys (blocks, kitchen set, etc), puzzles or Play-Doh
I’m extremely fortunate to be able to work from home and spend time with my child. But some days are really hard and it feels like it’s impossible to do both.
I really hope some of these tips will make working from home with littles easier for you!
And remember, it’s ok to be grateful to work from home with your children but also want a break!!